50np. Did you ever seriously think of it? Do you even remember how does it look like? I guess NO. The value of 50np is not the same as it was some years ago. Then 50np was a considerable amount. But now it is not. We may laugh when someone says that he'll repay you 50np. Its not unusual as it has got no much importance like it had. Is it the 50np's mistake? Is there any change in its value? - NO. It is of same value as it was. It was 50np before and even now it is 50np. Well, the problem is our view - which has changed over a period of time.
Here, I'm not saying you or asking you to respect its value. But I'm saying that even you'll not be respected if you maintain the same value of yourself for a long period. Try to improve it. Try to better yourself. Raise your standard by each passing day or each passing month or each passing year.
Every year on the 1st January or 31st December we spend a lot of time trying to figure out what should be our resolution for the new year. Now make a resolution that I'll make myself better. I'll increase my standards.
People around you may adore you now for what you have. But you cannot cast the same magic again and again. They are bound to get bored. And then again, even you'll be in the same position as 50np is in now. You'll not be cared for; you'll be thrown off - mercilessly.
So, my friends, just try to enhance yourself; compete with your own self and defeat yourself. Whatever field you may be in, whatever job you may be doing, if you want to defeat or surpass your colleague or your opponent, first defeat yourself - first conquer your own standards. Crush it and build a higher standard or else get crushed under the burden of aloofness.
very true... nice post...r u a writer????