Monday, 3 February 2014

Letters for you: When I fell in love with you!

To someone who made me fall in love,

In next 20 days, I saw you wearing the same shoes for 13 times and what amused me was the way you made sure your clothes matched them. I understood it was more of an emotional connect you had with your shoes, rather than an obsession. I could never forget those sad eyes of yours when someone, accidently, dropped curry on the shoes. I felt a twitch in my heart; you didn’t believe me when I later shared this with you. Probably you did, and chose to hide your feelings, like you always do!

When I saw you again after two days of your leave, I realized how much I wanted to be a part of your life and make you mine! Although, I had seen you infinite times before, I felt everything new this time – as if I was looking at you for the first time. May be because I was looking at someone who made me fall in the deepest of human emotions! I was looking at someone I love! 


Perhaps, this is what they mean when they say, love just happens!

I stood there looking at your captivating face – your expressions, your bright, black eyes, your cute, small nose and the curve of your lips; the way you pass your long fair fingers through those curls.

I don’t know if one is supposed to feel that way, but with your presence – even though not with me – I felt at peace!

You continued walking and gave a quick glance at my awe-struck face, as you passed me; you didn’t bother to look back again.

I smiled to myself, trying to bind that moment in my heart forever!

From someone who loves you!

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