I chose. I chose not to spend my life sitting hours on stretch infront of a laptop, typing on someone else's orders, look at the clock for breaks, define myself through my bosses’ appraisal. I chose to let go of my ego, desire to be on top, promotions, hikes and that sham respect.
I chose to break free, to kill the routine, to not wait for a weekend. I chose my life to be a vacation. I chose to pack my bag, dust off my bike, and start off to unknown place, exploring the world. I chose to see for myself everything that I heard, to feel for myself everything I read, to live myself everything I was told. I chose to sleep under the open skies beneath the stars, and wake up to the sun rays hugging me warm.
I chose to write for myself, without any fear of deadlines, pressure of competition, criticism of ignorant. I chose to sit facing the sea, on the sand, listening to the mighty waves, making me feel worthless, and in that I chose to define my worth. I chose to stand on the peak of a mountain and face wild wind pushing me away, making me feel fragile. I chose to stand there looking at the chain of mountains making me feel so puny. In the vastness of sea and highness of mountains, I chose to see my pending exploration. I chose peace in my adventure.
I chose not to bog down by jabs of life, harshness of lies, pain of loss. I chose the courage to slip through the abyss of unknown only to find the true self of me. I chose to write my verse in the peaceful chasm of messy life.
Choose to write to your story, contribute your verse, for you not know what you'll regret tomorrow.